James und Spiro Skouras: Bill Gates wurde kürzlich von Yahoo Business gefragt, was er tun würde, wenn er Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten wäre. In diesem Interview schließt sich James Corbett von CorbettReport.com Spiro an, um genau dieselbe Frage zu stellen, nur um zu einer ganz anderen Schlussfolgerung zu gelangen.
Spiro BitChute channel
How Bill Gates would treat COVID-19 if he were President of the United States
Episode 373 – Medical Martial Law 2020
WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee
The Coronavirus CONSPIRACY – Did COVID-19 Come from America?
Donald Trump Partners with the Gates-Funded Global Vaccine Alliance
Bertrand Russell: “Diet, injections and injunctions…”
Looking Forward to the End of Humanity – #PropagandaWatch
Immunization Safety Review: SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer
How Did Potatoes Get So Popular? – #PropagandaWatch